Dalston shop Opening hours: Mon-Wed 11-5:30pm, Thur-Sat 11-6pm, Sun 11-5pm


Wondrous Theatre is an independent boutique in Hackney, East London. With over 20 years experience in the fashion industry, founder and director, Eriko Nagata, carefully selects locally and internationally sourced women and children's wear, along with jewellery and accessories, that go beyond seasonal definitions. 

The boutiques’s direction is for beautiful, functional and playful collections that augment the theatre of life with comfortable shapes made from sensual textures and finished with attention to detail. We hope you’ll find things to cherish—that you’d rather repair than discard, that you’d be proud to pass on and that ultimately transgress the sands of time. 

From Eriko and the team at Wondrous Theatre, 

Have a wondrous world!